Byddwch yn Angel
Be an Angel
Allwch chi gefnogi person ifanc wrth i griw wneud eu pererindod i gysegrfa Dewi Sant?
Are you able to support a young person as they make their pilgrimage to St Davids
Mae Pererindod Ieuenctid Esgobaeth Tyddewi wedi mynd o nerth i nerth ac wedi rhoi cymaint o lawenydd i'r rhai sydd wedi mynychu. Mae wedi tanio ffydd, meithrin cyfeillgarwch ac mae ein pobl ifanc wedi profi cariad Iesu, a bydd bywydau pawb sy'n cymryd rhan yn cael eu newid yn ddi-os.
The St Davids Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage has gone from strength to strength and has given such joy to those who have attended. Faith has been brought alive, friendships have been made, and our young people have experienced the love of Jesus and undoubtedly will change the lives of all those who take part.
Mae Esgobaeth Tyddewi yn cynnig cymhorthdal i’r bererindod ieuenctid bob blwyddyn, gan ein bod ni am gadw'r gost mor isel â phosibl. Er mwyn parhau i gadw'r gost i bob pererin yn isel, ac i helpu'r rhai na allan nhw fforddio'r bererindod, mae angen eich help chi arnom ni.
The Diocese of St Davids subsidises the youth pilgrimage each year, because we want to keep the cost as low as possible. To continue keeping the cost to every pilgrim low, and to help those who cannot afford the pilgrimage we need your help.
Download more details about Angels scheme and forms below.